We are a society of extremes, a binary society in our customs. Some people in such, more than others, have a consistent tendency to think, feel and behave, regarding most aspects of their lives, in a way that is unbalanced and inclined toward one of the extremes on the optimism-pessimism continuum; we call them optimists and pessimists. For the optimist, the future is open and full of possibilities regardless of their surroundings. For the pessimist, the future is in the minefield between sandbags and barbed wire of Ukraine, choked by plastic in the Pacific and drawn between the chalk outlines of bombs in Sarajevo.

Psychology however, has a power that transcends that of any art and science: it is able to blur the line between theory and technique giving us the opportunity to peek at the secrets in the universe and the human mind that without the uncertainty of theory or a pinch of perfection in science would not be possible. In this essay, we will explore how psychology can contribute to a more optimistic outlook on the future by promoting individual and societal well-being, enhancing resilience, and fostering a deeper understanding of human behavior.

Firstly, psychology can play a crucial role in addressing the root causes of global challenges. These often driven by human behaviour and decision-making. Long-term thinking in psychology can help us better understand the psychological factors that influence pro-environmental behaviour and sustainable decision-making. Psychology can contribute to a more sustainable future and a sense of optimism that positive change is possible. In addition to individual well-being and sustainability, psychology can foster optimism by promoting societal harmony and cooperation through international collaboration and the ability to overcome cultural and political divides. Psychology can contribute to this by studying intergroup dynamics, prejudice reduction, and conflict resolution. By understanding the psychological processes that contribute to conflict and division, we can develop strategies to foster empathy, cooperation, and reconciliation among diverse groups, thereby contributing to a more optimistic vision of a peaceful and united world.

The key point here is that Long-term thinking in psychology can enhance our understanding as a society of human behaviour and decision-making on a global scale. A more informed and proactive approach to global challenges can instill a sense of agency and optimism in individuals and societies.

While the challenges ahead may be daunting, the contributions of psychology offer hope that a brighter future is indeed possible.

Or, was that all a lie embroidered between elegant words?

They say that what is human changes its skin several times and that listening to TV creates distorted visions. Then how can there be a concrete and definite answer for something that is outgoing a constant metamorphosis? But peeking through the secrets of our own self destructing behaviour can lead revolts. Why is the future really so daunting? Maybe it’s the fact that we all think millionaires are great men even after knowing that they made billions on children’s skin or that we know that idols are cardboard shields. We fabricate entire chronicles of false facts masked as opinions using social media as a surrogate for intimacy. Psychology is the key to open a world where this wouldn’t be the reality of this essay, where words won’t have to simplify a daunting future for there will be none. Long term thinking in the field of Psychology will give us the tools to understand the enemy, our own mind, and therefore understand why everything that we fear globally can be solved through cooperation and humane thinking. It rationalises optimism causing it to be the best way to face the future.


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